Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Sad Loss

Well I took some time off because I was going to move from NC back to ME, but something horrible happened during the move, and when I got up to ME I decided I wanted to go back to NC. It's all a big long crazy story, so I will only tell you the horrible thing that happened. Our adorable 2 1/2 year old Pug, Tilly, apparently and suddenly died of heart failure in the seat next to me while we were driving. I called 911 and they found the closest vet to us, called the vet to make sure they were open, relayed our info to the vet and directed me to the vet. I was afraid that we were already too late and sure enough, we were. The vet was amazingly nice and kind and the kiddo decided she wanted to get Tilly cremated (we'd actually talked about cremation a few days before for whatever reason) and then picked out a container she liked and asked if we could keep Tilly in her room (kid, whatever you want, forever).

I'd post some pics, but she's sitting behind me right now and I don't want her to have another crying fit. :(


GreenComotion said...

I am very sorry to hear about your loss.
Peace :)

Anonymous said...

oh gosh, i am so sorry about your loss. may Tilly rest in peace:)

graceunderpressure said...

a sudden loss is a terrible shock, and hard to rebound from. I always compare grief to an ocean storm. At first the waves are high and buffet you constantly.. then they get a little farther apart and gradually they are reduced to ripples .. the happy memories of times we shared. Occasionally a big wave will still come and bowl us over.. but mostly its the happy times we will think of. xox

Sarah said...

thank you <3

bitt said...

so very sorry for your loss. nothing breaks my heart like when my pup died. they are so precious.

Barb@ThatWasVegan said...

I am so sorry to read about your dog, how horribly sad that must've been for you and the kiddo!