Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baking Fail - Red Velvet Brownies

I mentioned red velvet brownies to my husband a week or so ago and he loved the idea. I found a great looking recipe and made it (substituting ener-g eggs for the eggs) and it failed miserably. When the time was up I looked at it and it had a moat of liquid boiling around the edge so I thought maybe it needed to cook more, so I gave it more time. Eventually I poured off some of the liquid and baked it a few more minutes. When it was all done the center was like glue and the crust was like a rock.

If anyone has made a great red velvet brownie recipe or has a great gluten free brownie recipe to suggest, let me know!



Anonymous said...

aw i'm sorry, i hate baking disasters -- you're so excited and then bam. they still look delicious:)

Sarah said...

thanks! and they weren't gluten free so they weren't for me but it's such a letdown to mess up a recipe.