Saturday, October 15, 2011

XGFX Pizza and Pasta

I keep forgetting to put Amanda's beautiful logo on these posts!



The other day I tried the gluten free version of Amy's cheeseless pizza. While it wasn't bad, it certainly wasn't worth the $7.69 or so I paid at Whole Foods. Maybe $2, if I was desperate for food. 


Another recent dinner was the lazy lasagna - (gluten-free) pasta and tofu ricotta and spaghetti sauce. Looks horrible, but it's yummy.



x said...

That lazy lasagne looks really, good and much easier than making an actual lasagne

jessy said...

i think your lazy lasagna looks super yummy! lasagna is always such a process - i'm going to follow your lead sometime and give this a whirl.

i wasn't impressed with those cheeseless Amy's xgfx pizzas either. i found the texture of the crust kinda strange and too sweet for me.

Dawn said...

Whole foods has a $4 cheeseless pizza in their own brand. Not bad for a quick meal. I usually add a little daiya before baking.

And I agree the lazy lasagna looks delicious!

celyn said...

I bet that lasagna is awesome, and I agree with you about Amy's pizza. There is something kind of depressing about it.